Weekly Progress Update #192

To-Do for the week of July 3rd 2023:

  1. Make more camping blocks
  2. Work on my #2023 Quilting Q2 Check In post, linky party hosted through Yvonne@Quilting Jetgirl.
  3. Enjoy being retired!

To-Do #1

I made good progress sewing the blocks for my camping quilt using the Mosaic Story Quilt pattern by Amy Friend at During Quiet Time. Below are the next 17 blocks for this project:

To-Do #2

I did get my  #2023QuiltingQ2Checkin post written. If you happened to have already read it and clicked on the link to see Rebecca’s “perfect quilting” on my Mid Century Modern quilt and saw my Easy Bargello quilt instead, I have fixed that link. Below is pic of a my 93-year-old Aunt Lois that I did not include in my post, but I decided to share it here because I love the memory quilt she made of the trip to Australia she took with my Uncle Jim (please click the link above to see a more flattering photo of Aunt Lois).

Aunt Lois with her Australia quilt

To-Do #3

I’ve been housesitting this past week for our friend, Rita. Here is a pic of her cat Sophia who decided to join me for a nap while watching a baseball game. We were both pretty cozy!

Napping with Sophia

To-Do for the week of July 10th 2023:

  1. Make more camping blocks.
  2. Work on a Sashiko project.
  3. Enjoy my retirement! Though I agree with my cousin, McKenzie, that enjoying my retirement should be my number one priority, I want quilting-related pics to be the first photo everyone sees, but I do plan to share a little every week about my retirement.

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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8 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #192

  1. Looks like Sophia really took to you! The mosaic story pattern is perfect for your camping quilt. Love the extra photo of Aunt Lois, she is pretty amazing and so is that quilt.


  2. Your camping blocks look great. I’m so glad you are enjoying retirement, and Sophia looks pretty chill and content with you! Aunt Lois and her quilt – amazing!


  3. rl2b2017 says:

    Hi Mary! It’s so nice to see an update from you. I hope you are fully enjoying your retirement and that the road trip was a safe journey. You have made amazing progress on your blocks for the camping quilt. You and Sophia look quite comfy. It’s a tough life but someone has to do it! I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne


  4. McKenzie Oliver says:

    Awe, Lois (aka Grandma to me) is such an inspiration. Happy you had the opportunity to stop and visit her. 🩷


  5. Kim says:

    Those camping blocks are super cute!


  6. Ramona, I love the carefully fussy-cut centers of your camping blocks! That will be such a fun, special quilt when it’s finished. I agree with McKenzie that “enjoy retirement” should be your #1 priority. And I loved seeing the photo of your Aunt Lois.


  7. Those camping blocks are so fun, Mary! They’re going to make a great quilt. You should definitely be all about enjoying your retirement, too. One of my former teaching partners (who isn’t retired yet) told me today she has to go back to school on Aug 7th, and it made me sooo happy to be retired!


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