Weekly Progress Update #193

To-Do for the week of July 10th 2023:

  1. Make more camping blocks
  2. Work on a Sashiko project.
  3. Enjoy being retired!

To-Do #1

I have finished sewing the blocks for my camping quilt using the Mosaic Story Quilt pattern by Amy Friend at During Quiet Time (total of 49 blocks for the quilt top). Here are four of the blocks I made this past week:

To-Do #2

I started the Sashiko project below before we left for my retirement celebration trip and was able to get a little more stitching done during a couple out-of-town appointments. I plan to use the finished panel as the center of a wall hanging.

Seven cranes through the end of June

To-Do #3

I am continuing to enjoy my retirement, but of course life challenges still occur. This is how my Saturday morning started! toilet

To-Do for the week of July 17th 2023:

  1. Finish my camping quilt top.
  2. Piece the back of my camping quilt.
  3. Enjoy my retirement!

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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9 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #193

  1. Your camping blocks are so fun – love the S’mores one! What a beautiful sashiko piece. Ugh on the toilet seat – “real life” – lol!


  2. I am so glad you are enjoying retirement, and now have time to sew, sew, sew. Well, except for some home repairs, apparently! Haha. Enjoy your week!


  3. That looks like an unwelcome surprise. Hopefully it was a quick fix so that you could get back to sewing and enjoying your retirement!


  4. rl2b2017 says:

    Hi Mary! Oh, that s’mores block is so darn stinkin’ cute!! Well, what the heck? A severely broken toilet seat. Nuts but a very easy remedy. Kick back and enjoy that hand stitching. It’s turning out great. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


  5. The camping blocks are so fun! Today I was noticing the background fabric – it’s perfect! That sashiko design is a really pretty one. No fun on the toilet seat – there’s always something, isn’t there?!


  6. Dawn says:

    Love your camping blocks! So cute! My husband and I also retired this year and we are heading on our retirement trip next week. Love your sashiko design that you were able to stitch. I’m bringing some EPP – can’t be without stitching!


  7. I love those mosaic story blocks! Off to pin that quilt too! (Seem to be pinning way too many today!)


  8. Chrisknits says:

    Congrats on your retirement!! Hubster retired for all of 1 day and then decided to go back!!! But that’s okay, he’ll get around to it someday. LOL Love the sashiko project!


  9. Oh my goodness — I hope you weren’t sitting on it when it happened!! Talk about a sign from the Universe that it’s not gonna be a great day. :-(. But your camping blocks and your sashiko both look fantastic.


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