Weekly Progress Update #194

To-Do for the week of July 17th 2023:

  1. Finish my camping quilt top.
  2. Piece the back of my camping quilt.
  3. Enjoy being retired!

To-Do #1

I did get my camping quilt top finished this past week, and I’m very pleased with how it looks. It just makes happy looking at it!

Camping quilt top

The fabric I used for the corner squares and the outer borders is called Smoke Rust Stone in Grey. I purchased it from the Etsy shop Pink Chihuahua Fabric. The Etsy shop HunnieQuilt had a half yard in Soot earlier today but I snatched it up. I did take a screen shot of the fabric image, so some of the words that relate to the outdoors can be more easily read.

Smoke and Rust fabric in Soot

To-Do #2

I also got the back of my camping quilt pieced this past week. The outer border of parks is from a panel I purchased from Quilting Mayhem on my trip in June. I purchased the poster panel from the Etsy shop Cute Little Fabric Shop.

Camping quilt back

To-Do #3

I am continuing to enjoy my retirement. Below is a pic of a baseball game on my iPad that I was enjoying while binding my Mid Century Modern quilt.

Binding MCM while watching baseball

To-Do for the week of July 24th 2023:

  1. Make some blocks for a beach quilt.
  2. Take photos of my finished Mid Century Modern quilt and write a post about the finish.
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement!

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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6 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #194

  1. It makes ME happy looking at your camping quilt too! It’s glorious, I love that back almost as much as the front. Great job! Will you do the quilting?


  2. Retirement becomes you! Honestly, it is the best phase of life. Having a plan for the day helps you to not waste the day away in front of the computer. I absolutely love your camping quilt, front and back. The fabric with the words is fantastic. I have a “collection” of fabrics that are travel related, because it is my 1st love!


  3. Oooh, getting to bind the Mid Century Modern quilt is exciting. I definitely look forward to the photos and blog post about it!!


  4. Love that you are enjoying retirement, stitching on binding while enjoying a game – so fun! Nice choices on fabric, too! You best snatch up those fabrics you like, I suspect you’re going to fly through fabrics now!


  5. Kate says:

    Your camping quilt turned out beautifully! That border fabric is perfect and so is the back. Good luck with this week’s list.


  6. Hooray for two finished tops! They look great!


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