Weekly Progress Update #196

To Do for the week of July 31st 2023:

  1. Finish my beach quilt top.
  2. Piece the back of my beach quilt.
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement!

To-Do #1

This past week I finished my beach quilt top that measures 54″ square and sent it off for quilting to Cara at Sew Colorado Quilting.

To-Do #2

I pieced the backing for my Beach quilt from a fabric collection I have hoarded for about 8 years! It is called Low Tide by Jane Dixon for Andover Fabrics.

To-Do #3

I was able to go to Albuquerque on Tuesday and visit with my friend, James, and gave him his Mid Century Modern quilt. He loved it and was very appreciative of the work that went into the quilt. James wants to display this almost 60″ square quilt on one of his walls, so I brought it home with me and sewed a quilt sleeve on the back. Here are some pics I took on Tuesday.

Then James picked it up yesterday, and we had Mary take a pic of the two of us with the quilt at the local plaza park.

To-Do for week of August 7th 2023:

  1. Work on a table runner.
  2. Work on a donation baby quilt.
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement.

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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7 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #196

  1. Fabulous photos — especially love the one of James posing with the quilt in the bathtub! You are just prolific in your creative output and now that you’re retired, there’ll be NO stopping you. I love the way you pieced the backing for that beach quilt, BTW. I think I’m going to dig into my stash to see if I can’t do something similar for my Halo quilt instead of shopping for backing fabric. Thanks for the inspiration!


  2. The smile on James’ face (and on yours) says everything I need to know. 🙂 I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!


  3. Love the pieced backing its a quilt in its own right!


  4. James looks so happy! What a nice photo of the two of you and what a wonderful surprise for him. I hope he’ll send you a photo of it on his wall.


  5. A great finish and gift!
    No wonder you hoarded that fabric–it’s so pretty!


  6. The mid-century modern quilt for James is beautiful, and it looks like it’s perfect for James and his house! Love the pictures of it!


  7. Kate says:

    Your beach quilt is lovely, both front and back.


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