Weekly Progress Update #199

To Do for the week of Aug 21st 2023:

  1. Take photos of my finished camping quilt and write a post about it. Done
  2. Start working on some Halloween projects. Done
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement. Done

To-Do #1

Earlier this week I was able to get some outside pics of my Mosaic Story Camping quilt. Read the post here.

camping quilt finished.

To-Do #2

A couple weeks ago I decided that I wanted to make a Halloween quilt for my bed (details to be revealed soon) and that I also needed some Halloween wallhangings/mini quilts. To that end, I sewed a Tic Tac Cat wall hanging quilt top, and even though it’s only 34″ square, I decided it needed some special longarm quilting done by Rebecca at Rebecca Grace Quilting.

tic tac cat quilt top

I’ve been accumulating Halloween fabric for several years, and I even have some Halloween fabric from my mom’s stash in the 90s. I may or may not have ordered a couple other cute Halloween fabrics that could show up in Halloween projects in the next few weeks.

To-Do #3

My favorite retirement activity this past week was having lunch with my friend, Peter, in Santa Fe. Too bad I didn’t think to take a picture!

To-Do for week of August 28th 2023:

  1. Bind my Beach quilt.
  2. Continue working on Halloween projects.
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement.

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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6 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #199

  1. rl2b2017 says:

    Hi Mary! This post just made me smile from ear to ear. You are having so much fun in retirement, and Peter is the proof in the pudding. I love your Halloween project. I am 100% certain that Rebecca will do a fabulous job quilting it up for you. Can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


  2. Love your camping quilt, it finished up so nicely! Tic Tac Cat is too cute! I’m sure Rebecca will do some of her amazing magic on it. Glad you could have lunch with Peter (yes, photo!) but the real question is – where did you eat?? Haha!


  3. McKenzie Oliver says:

    OMG! I love that Tic Tac Cat!! I may need that pattern in my life :-). Oh, and isn’t that Hey Bootiful fabric just adorable?! I have some in my stash too and made the Meowy Halloween cat, a free Riley Blake pattern with Hey Bootiful. 🐾😸


  4. I really love how the cat on the bottom left looks like it is winking with the position of the raven. Have fun hand binding and working on more Halloween projects this week!


  5. Your Halloween cat quilt is so cute, Mary! I think Halloween fabrics are a lot of fun to collect. Enjoy your new sewing projects for the fall!


  6. I love the way your frame colors “sizzle” against the background fabric in your camping quilt, like the embers of a campfire or the last scattered leaves of autumn fluttering through the gray skies. Tic Tac Cat is loaded up and ready to get quilted this afternoon! 😘


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