Weekly Progress Update #195

To-Do for the week of July 24th 2023:

  1. Make some blocks for a beach quilt. Done
  2. Take photos of my finished Mid Century Modern quilt and write a post about the finish. Done
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement! Done

To-Do #1

When I visited my friend, Annette, last year in Central Florida, I showed her a photo album on my iPad of some of the favorite quilts I’ve made and offered to made her a quilt for her 60th birthday this October. She really liked the camping quilt I made (the first of five camping quilts that I’ve made) for my brother and sister-in-law. Her favorite part of the quilt was the sashing, and she said she’d like a similar one only with beach fabrics. Most of the centers are cut from leftover fabric from the Whale Tales Quilt that I made for my nephew two years ago. The inner triangles are Kona Prussian Blue, Kona Storm, Kona Sky, Kona Teal Blue, Bella Teal, Studio Revelation Etching (orange), Free Spirit Designer Solid in Spark Gold, and an unknown white on white “bubbles” fabric. The outer triangles are cut from a pretty print called Mermaid Scales in Aqua, but I ran out of it and had to order some more from Hawthorne Supply Co.

Beach quilt blocks for three rows

To-Do #2

I got my Mid Century Modern quilt photographed and wrote a blog post about it. Read it here.

MCM finished quilt

To-Do #3

No doubt one of the advantages of being retired is having time to fit an extra project into my schedule. I decided about a month ago that I wanted to make a Stand ‘N Stow bag for my friend, Tasia, for her birthday next month. I found out about this bag pattern from my friend, Wendy, at Pieceful Thoughts. I made several of them this past Spring to give to our friends and family on my retirement celebration trip, but I did not take one photo of them! Well, here is the one for Tasia in a pink Halloween print because she loves both the color pink and Halloween. The fabric is from Melissa Mortenson’s Spooky Schoolhouse at Hawthorne Supply Co. I thought I’d make the bag in early August but found myself with some extra time waiting for more Mermaid Scales in Aqua fabric to arrive, so I was able to get Tasia’s bag made in plenty of time for her August 17th birthday.

Tasia bag outside

Tasia bag inside

To-Do for the week of July 31st 2023:

  1. Finish my beach quilt.
  2. Piece the back of my beach quilt.
  3. Continue to enjoy my retirement!

Linking up to Quilt Schmilt: To-Do Tuesday.

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6 Responses to Weekly Progress Update #195

  1. The Stand ‘N Stow bag turned out really well! You’ve had some fun projects lately! So glad you are enjoying retirement!


  2. McKenzie Oliver says:

    Thanks for sharing a link to the stand n stow tote. I love the one you made me! It perfect to keep in the car and for a stop at the farmers market.


  3. Your friend’s version of the camping quilt is so pretty, love the Mermaid Scales print. Wendy is quite the squirrel-inspirer isn’t she? That bag is wonderful, and you did a really neat job with it. Love the pink Halloween print! Are those kitty wood carvings on the little bench?


  4. Congratulations on getting the bag finished in plenty of time to gift as a birthday present. It looks and sounds like you had the perfect prints on hand to use!


  5. I remember those fabrics from Whale Tales–that will be a cute one too!


  6. It is definitely true that one of the perks of retirement is time to fit more projects in! I love your tote bag – such cute fabric – and it looks like the perfect gift. Pretty quilt projects, too!


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